HIST 372 - From Samurai to Siam Qian: East Asian Peoples, Politics, & Cultures Credits: Three (3) If you watched the grand scope of human history unfold from a seat on the moon, the enduring contributions, and longevity of the institutions, of East Asia would be strikingly apparent. From China’s “5,000” years of civilization to the rise and fall of Japan’s empires, this course investigates the development of East Asia from approximately 1500 to the modern period. While the course primarily centers on Japan and China, students will spend some time exploring the relationships these regions fostered with Korea, Vietnam, and Central Asia.[M; N; I] General Education Area: Social Science Cross-listed: PSCI 372
HIST 373 - Africa and the World Credits: Three (3) This course explores the history of Africa and the continent’s broader economic, social, and political impact on the rest of the globe from 1500 to the present. The course begins with a broad investigation of the pre-colonial Africa, exploring the rich political, linguistic and cultural traditions which characterized the continent before the arrival of Europeans. Students will the assess the impact of western colonization and slavery on African societies, from the early modern period through the beginnings of independence movements at the beginning of the twentieth century. The course then turns to an analysis of African self-determination, assessing the many challenges faced by new African nation states in a post-colonial world. Finally, students will take a critical approach to understanding the role of African societies in our present global age, paying particular attention to the impact capitalism continues to have on Africa and on the identities, politics, and cultures of those who inhabit the world’s second-largest continent.[M; N; C, I] General Education Area: Social Science Cross-listed: PSCI-373
HIST 374 - Conquest, Resistance, Independence: Latin America History, Politics, and Cultures Credits: Three (3) This course will introduce students to the central debates about Latin American history, politics and culture from 1491 to the present. Beginning in the pre-colonial period, the course explores the rich social, religious, and political traditions of Latin America before the arrival of Europeans. Students will then assess the impact of European conquistadores and immigrants on native populations and their institutions. Students will investigate indigenous resistance to, or in certain cases hybridization with, Old World peoples and their cultures through the colonial period. The course will then explore attempts at national self-determination and independence among the peoples of Latin America. Finally, students will investigate the legacies of colonialism, capitalism, and immigration in modern Latin America using a diverse array of primary sources such as personal accounts, newsprint and film to gauge the many meanings of Latin America in our increasingly globalized world.[M; N; C, I] General Education Area: Social Science Cross-listed: PSCI-374
HIST 380 - In Their Own Words: Laboring in America Credits: Three (3) In this course students will learn how the working lives of Americans have been transformed from the industrial revolution through deindustrialization in the United States. A major portion of this course will focus on providing students with the skills they will need to conduct oral history interviews. By the end of the semester students will conduct interviews with individuals who have lived through some of the themes we will read about in class. General Education Area: Social Science
HIST 388 - Russia: Proletariat to Putin Credits: Three (3) This course will explore the history of Russia from the early imperial expansion to Putin’s government today. Students will explore such themes and topics as: the modernization of Russia under imperial control & the Great Reforms, the 1917 revolution, Stalin’s “Revolution from Above,” soviet socialism, the experience of minority groups in imperial Russia, the USSR, and modern Russia. Students will consider the long-term, global effects of Russia’s many revolutions, as well as assess it’s power and influence on other governments today.[N; M; I] General Education Area: Social Science Cross-listed: PSCI-388
HIST 389 - Mad Emperors and Philosopher Kings: Topics in Classical and Late Antiquity Credits: Three (3) This course explores the littoral civilizations of the Mediterranean, from Classical Greece to Late Antique developments in Europe, Asia, and north Africa. From the heights of Greek philosophical achievement, through the rise and fall of Rome, to the emergence, persecution, and spread of Christianity, students will investigate the key developments that characterized the Mediterranean world through the 7th century CE. Themes and topics may include: Greco-Roman philosophy and medicine; contemporary understandings of sex and gender; religious institutions and popular devotion; cultures of violence and theories of power; cultural and commercial exchange between civilizations, and an investigation of what some have seen as the roots of western political, religious, and social traditions. [P; W; S, I] General Education Area: Social Science
HIST 397 - Special Studies Credits: Three (3) The special seminar features a rotating variety of special topics which permit the student and instructor to investigate an historical question, chronological period, event, movement, or group of people to a greater depth than an ordinary history course. The course is taught by the instructor within their field of expertise; as opposed to an introductory or general survey course, these seminars are discussion, not lecture based, and provide opportunities for students to conduct original research in a topic related to the seminar. General Education Area: Social Science
HIST 399 - Internship Credits: One (1) to Four (4) How do you plan to use your history major? The History Internship will be your first taste of a professional life as an historian, and will help you build your resume and practical expertise in preparation for the job market. The internship will provide with real-world experience in a range of history fields such as the following: museums, archives, libraries, political activism, government/civil offices, non-profit groups, or private businesses. General Education Area: Social Science
HIST 490 - History Portfolio Project Credits: Three (3) The History Portfolio Project represents the culmination of the student’s undergraduate career, and is the final step in their professionalization before the job market. Students will present a research paper and oral presentation of an individual project which corresponds with their chosen career trajectory (graduate school, public history, or alternative academic). Successful completion of this course will also entail practice interviews and the students’ application to job openings or graduate school, depending on their stated career trajectory. General Education Area: Social Science
HIST 496 - Independent Study Credits: One (1) Independent study is designed for students who would like to pursue an historical research project or topic which is not covered by an existing history department course. Students must contact the program director of the history department in order to coordinate their individual interests and goals for the course. The independent study may take two forms:
1. Directed Readings in History: The Instructor of Record for the independent study will provide the student will a reading list and coordinate meeting times to discuss the readings. This path will culminate in the student’s production of an historiography paper.
2. Directed Research in History: The Instructor of Record will coordinate with the student to iden-tify an original research project in primary sources; compose a research prospectus, and produce a paper based on their original research. It is recommended for the student to have completed coursework in the field of study prior to selecting this option. General Education Area: Social Science
HIST 497 - Special Studies Credits: Three (3) This Special Studies course will feature diverse courses on unusual historical topics. These classes are characterized by a high level of instructor-student research and collaboration. The Special Studies course is designed to prepare students for graduate-level work; as such, it is the most intellectually demanding history class and should only be taken by students in the end stages of their undergraduate career. General Education Area: Social Science
HONR 260H - Introduction to Honors Credits: One Half (0.5) This fall course for Bascom Honors students provides an introduction to the program and should be taken the first fall of student enrollment in the program. The course consists of three mandatory and two elective meetings designed to introduce the new honors student to the faculty, students, and honors experience at Maryville. Prerequisite: Membership in Bascom Honors Program
HONR 261H - Everyday Honors Credits: One Half (0.5) This spring course for Bascom Honors students provides opportunities for honors learning outside of the classroom. The course consists of two mandatory and three elective meetings designed to extend honors learning to events and activities on and off campus. Prerequisite: Membership in Bascom Honors Program
HRMG 330 - Human Resource Management Credits: Three (3) This course provides an overview of the activities related to human resource administration and the role of human resource professionals in organizations. Topics include employment law, equal employment, job design, human resource planning, staffing (recruitment, selection, and placement), training and development, performance management, employee retention, employee relations, and compensation and benefits. Prerequisite: MGMT-321
HRMG 350 - Recruitment and Talent Management Credits: Three (3) This course develops students’ understanding of recruitment and selection strategies, hiring aligned with organization-specific competencies and goals, and recruitment and training methods. Students will have an opportunity to view recruitment, hiring, and training as a central part of an organization’s strategic plan, learning to measure the costs associated with hiring, training, and turnover rate. Topics will include issues of equity and inclusion within full-cycle recruiting, use of social media, data analytics, and HR software/database systems, as well as outsourcing, and contingent and temporary workforce management. Prerequisite: HRMG-330
HRMG 386 - Labor Relations and Negotiations Credits: Three (3) Today’s business professionals, particularly HR specialists, must be aware of the many aspects of employee relations and negotiations, including those pertaining to both union and non-union employees. This course will cover labor history (both domestically and globally), as well as all aspects of employee relations, including simple and complex negotiations. Specific areas include legal foundations and issues, unions (collective bargaining, union contract administration, work stoppages, decertification/certification, worker-employer rights, grievance administration), and negotiation tactics. Attention will also be paid to international/global relations and negotiations, as well as business mergers, acquisitions, and sales. Prerequisite: BUS 280 and HRMG 330
HRMG 388 - Training and Development Credits: Three (3) A robust training and development strategy and infrastructure create, promote, and foster individual and organizational effectiveness. This course is designed to help human resource professionals use a systematic approach to develop and conduct an array of innovative and diverse programs in support of an organization’s commitment to employee development, partnerships, and organizational enrichment and maintain its competitive position in today’s business environment. It will address training needs, instructional objectives, learning preferences, training design and delivery, and evaluation of workshops. Instruction will emphasize active training and learning by doing. Prerequisite: HRMG-330
HRMG 400 - Human Resource Systems and Technology Credits: Three (3) This course covers analysis and documentation of business processes as they apply to HR professionals, as well as the design and use of information systems to automate these processes on the desktop, web, and using mobile platforms. Students will learn how to use Human Capital Management (HCM) systems and platforms for data analysis and management, personality assessments, and HR metrics. Social media and its use in HR will be covered. Prerequisite: HRMG 330
HRMG 455 - HR Employment Law Credits: Three (3) This course focuses on employment law regulations and how to plan and reduce legal exposure in the area of human resources. Employment laws are extensive and vary based on many factors, including the size of the organization, its location, and the type of industry in which it operates. The laws that apply to the majority of employers are discussed, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including how to apply these laws to persons, departments, occupations, and organizations. The course will emphasize experiential learning as students explore potential problems and solutions through a variety of case studies.
Prerequisite: BUS 280, HRMG 330 and HRMG 386
HRMG 460 - Compensation, Benefits, and Financial Management Credits: Three (3) This course examines all aspects of the compensation package, including total compensation, benefits, payroll, and budgeting, with a special emphasis on employee benefits, both legally required benefits such as workers’ compensation insurance and optional benefits such as retirement plans. The course provides students with the guidelines for establishing job and pay structures while taking into account legal requirements. Other topics include compensable and economic factors influencing pay decisions, incentive pay plans, executive compensation, and compa-ratio calculations. Students will also examine basic financial management of business firms: procurement, allocation, and control of funds, as well as corporate financial behavior. Prerequisite: FIN-312 and HRMG-330
HRMG 473 - Global Human Resources Credits: 3 The focus of this course is to develop students’ global mindset to prepare them to effectively manage human capital and to lead global teams in an increasingly interconnected business environment. The course also examines differences between cultures to equip students with global cultural competency critical for successful international business relationships. Prerequisite: HRMG-330
HRMG 491 - Capstone: Workforce Management and Strategic Leadership Credits: Three (3) In this course, students will gain an understanding of the vital partnership between HR and upper management in developing organizational strategy and meeting organizational needs. Topics include executive support and relationship management, workforce management, strategic leadership, critical thinking and application, employee morale, and organizational behavior and design. Note: This course must be taken last in the HRMG program
HRMG 499 - Human Resource Management Internship Credits: Three (3) - Ten (10) Students may choose to pursue experiential learning in a human resource setting. Credit is variable from 3-10 credits. Students who are pursuing the SHRM-CP student certification are required to acquire 500 hours in experiential learning. Prerequisite: 15 credits toward HRMG major
HUM 101 - Culture and Civilization Credits: Three (3) In this class, students explore diverse intellectual and cultural traditions that have shaped our ideas about what it means to be human. The course focuses on the role that philosophy, science, religion, and the arts have played throughout history in helping us to understand our relationship with the world around us. Apart from providing a historical survey, each HUM 101 course will revolve around a specific theme and explore in depth its various aspects through readings from different eras and cultural traditions. General Education Area: Humanities
HUM 108 - Multicultural Voices in American Literature Credits: 3 Students develop an appreciation of the literary contributions from writers of Asian, African, Latin, Caribbean, Middle Eastern, and Native descent. General Education Area: Humanities Cross-listed: ENGL-108, ENGL-308 Prerequisite: ENGL-101, ENGL-104, or ENGL-204H; Minimum grade C-
HUM 118 - Literary Forms: Fable to Film Credits: Three (3) The course explains the art of storytelling through an analysis of narrative techniques in fiction, drama and film. General Education Area: Humanities Cross-listed: ENGL-118, ENGL-318, HUM-318 Prerequisite: ENGL-101
HUM 125 - Masterpieces of 20th Century Cinema Credits: Three (3) Just about everyone loves movies. But why? Which
ones? What do we mean by a good or bad movie, let
alone a masterpiece? What can we look for in
evaluating a movie? How can discussion of movies
help us to think critically and analytically,
appreciate a significant art form, apply useful
terminology, and understanda–orTHE–major
medium of the 20th century? And lastly, are movies still relevant in the 21st century? General Education Area: Humanities Cross-listed: HUM-125, HUM-325
HUM 201H - Great Ideas Credits: Four (4) This course addresses a variety of themes, giving students an
overview of the intellectual history of the western world. In this
course students have explored themes such as The Hero in Literature
and Film and Greek Tragedy and Myth. Prerequisite: ENGL-101 and Membership in Bascom Honors Program
HUM 204 - Intercultural Studies Credits: Three (3) This course introduces the student to selected Asian, African, and Middle Eastern cultures in order to increase global awareness and understanding and to enhance cross-cultural tolerance and communication. General Education Area: Humanities
HUM 206H - Reading Rock & Roll Credits: Four (4) This course will explore rock andamp; roll’s origins, contexts, images, lyrics, and the music itself. Students will consider how the music creates meaning and what the relationship of rock andamp; roll is to American culture and history. Cross-listed: FPAR-206H Prerequisite: Membership in Bascom Honors Program
HUM 211 - Nature and Humanity Credits: Three This course explores philosophical, literary, religious, and political conceptualizations of the relationship between the human and the non-human world. It includes topics such as animal rights, deep ecology, the notion of wilderness, environmental justice, and environmental stewardship. The class also studies the history and goalsof the global environmental movement. Furthermore, it introduces students to the traditions of American nature writing. General Education Area: Humanities
HUM 212 - Taking Stage: Drama at Maryville Credits: 0-3 This class is for students who wish to be directly involved with the Maryville University Drama Club’s Fall or Spring on-campus play productions. Students enrolled in this course may choose to take on such roles as performers (pending a successful open audition), set design/production, stage crew, lighting, sound, costumes, props, and music. Opportunities are also available to work with print/social media advertising. Meeting times will be determined by the production schedule. Cross-listed: ENGL/MUS-212
HUM 212H - Monsters in Film and Literature Credits: Four (4) This course will look at influential modern works such as Bram
Stoker’s Dracula and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, recent
revisionism by writers such as Anne Rice and Octavia Butler, and a
few of the many monster movies. Students will consider the
language, structure, origins, contexts, and implications of the
stories. Cross-listed: ENGL-212H Prerequisite: Membership in Bascom Honors Program
HUM 213H - War and Peace in Literature and Film Credits: Four (4) Cross-listed: ENGL-213H Prerequisite: Membership in Bascom Honors Program
HUM 214H - Conspiracy in Literature/Film Credits: Four (4) This class will closely examine recent (1968-present) American
novels and films in order to understand the conventions and
contemporary appeal of the conspiracy narrative. The class will
take an interdisciplinary approach: novels may include Thomas
Pynchon’s Crying of Lot 49, Ishmael Reed’s Mumbo Jumbo, Margaret
Atwood’s Bodily Harm, Don DeLillo’s Libra, Chang- Rae Lee’s Native
Speaker, and Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club. In addition, films may
include The Parallax View, The Manchurian Candidate, The Matrix,
The Truman Show, and The Stepford Wives. Cross-listed: ENGL-214H Prerequisite: Membership in Bascom Honors Program
HUM 215H - Tolkien: Medieval and Modern Credits: Four (4) In this course students will explore Tolkien as a medievalist and a
modern writer. They will study and discuss The Lord of the Rings,
Silmarillion, Adventures of Tom Bombadil, Leaf by Niggle, and On
Fairy Stories, as well as the medieval texts Beowulf, the Elder
Edda, and the Saga of the Volsungs. Note: See ENGL 215H
Prerequisite: Membership in Bascom Honors Program
HUM 222H - The Mystery of Language Credits: Four (4) We speak and write every day, and yet language remains one of the
greatest mysteries of our existence. Is it language that
distinguishes humans from animals? Is it possible to trace the
origins of human language? What is the relationship between speech
and silence? Between language and experience? Between words and
images? Between original and translation? What are the limits of
language? Can we even define what language is? This
interdisciplinary course will explore the mythological,
philosophical, theological, linguistic, and literary dimensions of
these and similar questions. Our readings will span 2500 years of
reflections on language, from the Bible and Plato to contemporary
inquiries. Along the way, we will encounter philosophers such as
Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and Heidegger, poets such as T.S. Eliot
and Emily Dickinson, medieval mystics and modern linguists, and
many other writers wrestling with the enigma of language. Prerequisite: Membership in Bascom Honors Program
HUM 233 - Modern American Drama Credits: 3 This course explores American Drama from the late 19th century through the late 20th century. In reading such authors as Arthur Miller, Sam Shepard, Lorraine Hansberry, and Tony Kushner, students explore how this unique art form not only explored the turbulence of an ever-changing America, but in many ways affected the perceptions of American society. Along with close-readings of key plays, students will explore modern American drama in performance through screenings of plays as well as excursions to go see plays in local production. Cross-listed: ENGL 233 Prerequisite: ENGL 101
HUM 254 - Maryville Talks Movies Credits: Three (3) A community based learning experience which will bring together students,the Maryville community, and the St. Louis community to talk about significant films with important themes and ideas relevant to culture,history, art, ethics, literature, and ideas. General Education Area: Humanities
HUM 265 - Comparative Religion and Culture Credits: Three (3) The course introduces the basic beliefs and
practices of the major religious cultures of the
world. By comparing these beliefs with their own,
students better understand their own beliefs and
practices and become aware of how people of other
cultures think and act religiously. Students
develop a tolerance and an appreciation for other
cultures and a basis for fuller international
awareness and understanding. See HUM/REL 465 General Education Area: Humanities Cross-listed: HUM-265, HUM-465, REL-265, REL-465
HUM 297 - Special Studies Credits: One (1) to Four (4) These courses are offered periodically based on the interests of our students and faculty.For more information and a listing of current offerings, please see additional descriptions at www.maryville.edu/specialstudies. General Education Area: Humanities
HUM 301 - Masterpieces of Western Culture Credits: Three (3) In this course, we will closely read great works of Western literature in order to explore their connections to each other and to big themes, possibly including life and death, fate and free will, and good and evil. In doing so, we will evaluate what these big ideas meant in their own timesincluding discussions of and comparison with cultural artifacts from famous works of art through memes and cartoonsand what they mean today. In doing so, we can both assume that these works are regarded as masterpieces, but at the same time, we can ask ourselves why this is the case and what it means for a work of literature or art to be a masterpiece in the first place. General Education Area: Humanities
HUM 308 - Multicultural Voices in American Literature Credits: 3 Students develop an appreciation of the literary contributions from writers of Asian, African, Latin, Caribbean, Middle Eastern, and Native descent. General Education Area: Humanities Cross-listed: ENGL-108, HUM-108, HUM-308 Prerequisite: ENGL-101, Minimum grade C-
HUM 313 - Themes in American Literature Credits: 3 Each course focuses upon a major theme in American literature; for example, “American Identity.” Cross-listed: ENGL-313 Prerequisite: ENGL-101; Minimum grade C-
HUM 318 - Literary Forms: Fable to Film Credits: Four (4) The course explains the art of storytelling through an analysis of narrative techniques in fiction, drama and film. General Education Area: Humanities Cross-listed: ENGL-118, ENGL-318, HUM-118 Prerequisite: ENGL-101; Minimum grade C-
HUM 325 - Masterpieces of 20th Century Cinema Credits: Three (3) Just about everyone loves movies. But why? Which
ones? What do we mean by a good or bad movie, let
alone a masterpiece? What can we look for in
evaluating a movie? How can discussion of movies
help us to think critically and analytically,
appreciate a significant art form, apply useful
terminology, and understand a–or THE–major
medium of the 20th century? And lastly, are movies still relevant in the 21st century? General Education Area: Humanities Cross-listed: HUM-125, HUM-325
HUM 334 - The Words and the Melody Credits: 3 This course will investigate the poetic and musical elements of song. Students will be introduced to several poems, and will learn to analyze these poems’ prosody and structure. We will then examine musical settings of these and other poems in order to discover ways in which musicians and composers relate to the form and content of poetry in song. Students will be required to write and memorize poetry in various verse forms, and to analyze music critically. Students who are confident in their musical skills will have the opportunity to compose songs of their own. Cross-listed: ENGL/MUS 334
HUM 349 - Study Abroad - Course Title Varies Credits: 3 Italy: Culture, Cinema and Food (Florence, Italy) – Summer 2021
- Students will experience what it is like to be an American in Italy – how the culture can be seen from an insider that is from both the U.S. and Italy.
- Guest speakers will elaborate on Italian traditions, food, cinema and how the culture is so rich and diverse.
- Students will interview amazing locals that have passion and love for their work.
- Students will watch films that celebrate Italian culture and food.
- The instructor will take students to see the markets, the streets, the hidden treasures, and everyday life in Florence. They will look at the relationships between Italian traditions, folklore and contemporary Italian society, for example the links between festivals, food, wines and film.
- Students will analyze films that celebrate Italian culture and food.
- This course may be used to fulfill general education for humanities.
HUM 397 - Special Studies Credits: Three (3) General Education Area: Humanities Prerequisite: ENGL-101; Minimum grade C-
HUM 449 - Study Abroad - Course Title Varies Credits: 3 Irish Identity through the Artistic Looking Glass (Dublin, Ireland) – Summer 2021
- This interactive experiential learning course comprises conversation, workshops and guest lectures, some in the mode of town halls, where students will get to converse and interact with some of Ireland’s most renowned practitioners and experts in the fields of Drama, Fine Arts, Film, Literature, Music and Journalism.
- The course will study and emphasize the contested idea of Irish Identity from the early-to-mid 1900s to the present day.
- The artists featured in this course will examine the influence and fluidity of Identity that has shaped their artistic modality and in turn has enriched and challenged concepts of Irish identity and society.
- The student will have a synchronous immersive cultural and international experience by having access to a discussion platform in order to engage with Irish Artists and Thinkers.
- The course will weave the arts into a tapestry of understanding Irish-ness and with an opportunity for the student to partake, exchange and discuss what it means to be informed by an Irish Identity.
- The course is designed to be taken individually or in conjunction with the Irish History, Language and Culture virtual course.
- The course may be used to fulfill general education requirements for humanities.
HUM 465 - Comparative Religion and Culture Credits: Three (3) The course introduces the basic beliefs and practices of the major religious cultures of the world. By comparing these beliefs with their own, students better understand their own beliefs and practices and become aware of how people of other cultures think and act religiously. Students develop a tolerance and an appreciation for other cultures and a basis for fuller international awareness and understanding. General Education Area: Humanities Cross-listed: REL-465
HUM 496 - Independent Study Credits: One (1) to Four (4) General Education Area: Humanities
HUM 497 - Special Studies Credits: One (1) to Three (3) These courses are offered periodically based on the interests of our students and faculty. For more information and a listing of current offerings, please see additional descriptions at www.maryville.edu/specialstudies. General Education Area: Humanities Prerequisite: ENGL-101, Minimum grade C-
HUM 498 - Capstone Seminar Credits: Three (3) General Education Area: Humanities
INTD 101 - University Seminar Credits: Three (3) The University Seminar introduces freshmen to higher education and helps them develop skills that will enhance their experience as college students. All seminars focus on three goals: critical thinking, community, and communication. To accomplish these goals, faculty engage students in a variety of activities, such as writing, oral presentations, research, critical reading, and conversations. In the seminars, freshmen are challenged to become independent, creative, and critical thinkers; they participate in the university community of scholars; and they learn to articulate and defend their ideas. Students choose from a wide selection of seminars in which they explore a theme through literature, art, music, films, or other media. Note: This course is not required for transfer students or students in online programs.
INTD 201 - Leadership Colloquium Credits: One Half (0.5) Guest speakers explore with students a variety of leadership
topics. Prerequisite: Admission to the Institute for Leadership and Values
INTD 202 - Leadership Colloquium Credits: One Half (0.5) Guest speakers explore with students a variety of leadership
topics. Prerequisite: Admission to the Institute for Leadership and Values
INTD 301 - Seminar, Ethics and Leadership Credits: One Half (0.5) Students explore the ways in which values shape the decisions that
leaders make. Prerequisite: Admission to the Institute for Leadership and Values
INTD 401 - Leadership Practicum Credits: One Half (0.5) Students participate in the development and implementation of
leadership programs and reflection opportunities. Prerequisite: Admission to the Institute for Leadership and Values
INTD 402 - Leadership Practicum Credits: One Half (0.5) Students participate in the development and implementation of
leadership programs and reflection opportunities. Prerequisite: Admission to the Institute for Leadership and Values
INTD 449 - Study Abroad - Course Title Varies Credits: 3 Sustainable Development, Political History and Wellness in Panama (Panama) - Summer 2021
- Experience a fascinating Central American country in a variety of interactive ways – real-time lectures with local experts, virtual tours, short internship, and cooperative research with Panamanian students.
- Focus on political history, wellness issues, and sustainable development.
- Topics include Panama’s and Panama City’s political history and economics, Panama Canal’s history, the natural environment and the issue of sustainability, and health-care issues.
- Participate in short internship with a community-development, reforestation, or conservation non-profit organization.
- Participate in a collaborative international project with Panamanian university students.
- Course may be used to fulfill general education requirements for history and political science.
Oxford Don Tutorial (Oxford, England) - Summer 2021
- Experience a one-on-one interactive tutorial with a professor/scholar (called Don) from one of the world’s greatest universities
- Six meetings with the Don through zoom, focusing on weekly readings and three student research/writing essays of around 1,500 words each.
- Six virtual tours of major English cities with a 360-degree camera (Oxford, London, Bath, Canterbury, Manchester, Liverpool) with written assignments.
- Course may be used to fulfil general education requirements for any academic area as determined by the nature of the Tutorial subject.
World Affairs (Oxford, England) - Summer 2021
- Focus on 16 virtual lectures on world affairs topics by Oxford professors and other former government officials with important experiences in world affairs.
- Students write short papers on each lecture and on its readings.
- Topics from summer 2019 include British-American Intelligence, War and History; An Introduction to British Government and Politics; Britain and the European Union; A History of Modern Britain—”Revolution!” (television documentary); The “Special Relationship” between the US and UK and its Influence on World Affairs; Operational Intelligence in a Counter Insurgency Campaign (Case Study: Northern Ireland); Anglo-American Relations/Foreign Policy during the Falklands War; The Arab Spring; Diplomatic Lessons from Brexit; The ‘Refugee Crisis’ - the Role of the European Union; The Peace Process in Northern Ireland: An Anglo-American Perspective; China and the Belt Road Initiative; Domestic Drivers of Chinese Foreign Policy; American Foreign Policy under Obama; Four Major Transformation of the International System by Global War since 1500.
- Six virtual tours with a 360-degree camera (Oxford, London, Bath, Canterbury, Manchester, Liverpool) with written assignments for each.
- Course may be used to fulfill general education requirements for history and political science.
INTL 101 - Introduction to International and Global Studies Credits: 3 This course is an introductory survey of the interdisciplinary character of International Studies through examining international politics, economics, society, history, and literature. It explores the origins and development of the field, major trends and themes in international and global affairs and key international topics that affect all of our lives. |
INTL 350 - International and Global Issues Credits: 3 This course is an advanced examination of contemporary events, trends, and problems facing humans and societies in an increasingly interdependent world. Global issues will be analyzed through an international studies approach to increase awareness and provide an analytical framework for understanding and addressing the challenges that extend beyond borders of individual states and affect political, social and economic well-being of populations around the globe. Prerequisite: INTL-101 and Junior Status
INTL 495 - Internship Credits: 3 Students will gain experience working with organizations having an international focus. A minimum of 135 hours of work is necessary. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior Status
INTL 498 - International Studies Capstone Credits: Three (3) This course consists of an independent research project, under the guidance and supervision of a faculty member. The student writes a substantial paper on a topic chosen by the student and approved by the instructor. Prerequisite: Senior Status
ISYS 100 - Digital Foundations Credits: Three (3) This course covers commonly used software installed on PCs and laptops, web-based technologies, and applications (apps) used on digital devices. Information literacy and database concepts are also covered in this course.
ISYS 120 - Storyboarding Apps Credits: Three (3) Storyboarding is a visual way of representing an application’s user interface and interactions prior to undergoing any app development activities. Coupled with sketching, mockups, and prototypes, a person building an application can test and refine their app ideas using less time, effort, and money. This course covers two main topics: designing the user interface of mobile applications and introductory application implementation. Students will work on a team to design a prototype mobile application and refine its interface by testing the prototype with different people. Concurrently, students will learn fundamental ideas in writing application software code while implementing small mobile apps.
ISYS 220 - Application Development for iOS Credits: Three (3) This course continues ISYS 120 by diving deeper into the computer programming concepts necessary to develop iOS applications. Students will develop iOS apps in the context of the XCode integrated development environment (IDE) while building experience with the vocabulary and app design patterns supported by XCode and its suite of tools. Students will also begin developing their projects from ISYS 120. By the end of the course project teams will produce a partially completed mobile application. Prerequisite: ISYS-120
ISYS 230 - Advanced Application Development for iOS Credits: Three (3) iOS provides an array of software frameworks (i.e. ARKit) and sensor frameworks (i.e., GEO positioning) that add powerful functionality to applications. Students will examine these frameworks, particularly those related to web services, in the context of applications they independently design and develop. Further, team mobile applications designed in ISYS 120, and partially implemented in ISYS 220, will carry-over to be completed in this course. Prerequisite: ISYS-220
ISYS 280 - Cyber Security Principles Credits: Three (3) This course will allow students to implement and audit the Critical Security Controls as documented by the Council on Cyber Security. These Critical Security Controls are rapidly becoming accepted as the highest priority list of what must be done and proven at nearly all organizations.
ISYS 307 - Database Design Credits: Three (3) This course covers the business data analysis using spreadsheets and databases. Topics include Excel tables and Pivot tables and the development, administration and management of relational databases. The course uses Microsoft SQLServer and/or MySQL as the primary database management systems with a focus on database design and interaction with other applications. Prerequisite: ISYS-100
ISYS 309 - Geospatial Analytics Credits: Three (3) This course explores how to better understand and describe the world through geospatial data. Topics include a history of impactful cartographic data visualizations, how to utilize publicly available data sources, and how to form insights and construct a narrative with geographic data. The technical focus of this course is ArcGIS, with a brief introduction to alternative platforms such as Tableau, Power BI and Microsoft SandDance. Prerequisite: ISYS-100
ISYS 320 - Introduction to Programming Credits: Three (3) This course is an introduction to designing algorithms and implementing them as programs. Emphasis is placed on analyzing problems, designing solutions that are efficient in both expression and execution, and translating the solutions into well-designed programs. No prior experience with computer programming is expected or required.
Prerequisite: ISYS-100
ISYS 325 - Applied Operating Systems Credits: Three (3) This course will expose students to Windows, Linux, and Unix operating systems. This also includes a review of popular applications on these platforms and scripting with PowerShell.
ISYS 390 - Website Design Credits: Three (3) This course will help students develop websites that are functional and attractive. It will combine an artistic design approach with programming contents to enhance students’ abilities to design, create, develop and publish websites.
Prerequisite: ISYS-100
ISYS 425 - Applied Customer Relationship Management Credits: Three (3) This course prepares students to become administrators for Salesforce, a leading customerrelationship management cloud application. Students will learn to complete administration tasks such as managing users, data, and security along with building reports, dashboards, and workflows. This course covers all material needed for students to take the Salesforce Certified Administrator certification. |
ISYS 430 - Collaboration and Teaming Credits: Three (3) This course familiarizes students with 21st century collaboration tools utilized in the modern enterprise to include messaging, virtualization, and content management. Students will learn how to effectively lead and work in projects in a virtual team environment. |
ISYS 470 - Ethical Hacking Credits: Three (3) This course will involve assessing target networks and hosts for security vulnerabilities. Specific penetration testing and ethical hacking methodologies will be discussed and used on network devices, client machines, and mobile devices.
Prerequisite: ISYS-250
ISYS 471 - Advanced Ethical Hacking Credits: Three (3) This course builds on ethical hacking and penetration testing techniques learned in ISYS-470. Specific attention is paid on examining web application security.
Prerequisite: ISYS-470
ISYS 474 - Networks and Security Credits: Three (3) This course will examine both network device security and wireless security issues. For wireless security, specific attention will be paid on WiFi and Bluetooth technologies.
Prerequisite: ISYS-280
ISYS 475 - Mobile Security Credits: Three (3) This course is designed for students to secure their mobile devices by designing, deploying, operating and assessing a well-managed and safe mobile environment. You will learn how to capture and evaluate mobile device network activity, disassemble and analyze mobile code, recognize weaknesses in common mobile applications and conduct full-scale mobile penetration tests.
Prerequisite: ISYS-280
ISYS 480 - Security Information and Event Management Credits: Three (3) This course will examine SIEM capabilities to facilitate the management of security-related events, by assessing log data and correlating information coming from various sources.
Prerequisite: ISYS-280
ISYS 481 - Virtualization and Cloud Security Credits: Three (3) Virtualization technologies require planning with regard to access controls, user permissions and traditional security controls. Virtualized infrastructure is being located in the cloud which will dictate policies and processes that will need to be adapted to work within a cloud structure.
Prerequisite: ISYS-280
ISYS 484 - Digital Forensics Credits: Three (3) This course will focus on digital forensic practices, tools, and exercises for the collection of electronic evidence on network, client, and mobile devices. Specific discussion will also include the introduction process of this electronic evidence in civil and criminal cases. Prerequisite: ISYS-280
ISYS 485 - Incident Response and Malware Analysis Credits: Three (3) This course explores malware analysis tools and techniques that target and infect Windows systems. Knowing the capabilities of malware is critical to an organization’s ability to derive threat intelligence, respond to information security incidents, and establish defenses.
Prerequisite: ISYS-280
ISYS 490 - Cyber Fusion Center Credits: Three (3) In this course, you will be a member of a team that provides real-world cyber security services to local non-profits and schools. You will work as a consultant, helping clients of the CFC improve their cyber security defenses, with an emphasis on performing vulnerability scans and penetration tests and delivering professional results. Cross-listed: ISYS-690 Prerequisite: ISYS-470, ISYS-471
ISYS 491 - Cyber Law, Policy, and Compliance Credits: Three (3) This course will discuss information security and policies in the private sector related to privacy, incident response, computer crime, intellectual property, and pending/recently decided cases.
ISYS 493 - Cooperative Education Credits: One (1) to Four (4) |
ISYS 495 - Certification Bootcamp Credits: Three (3) This course serves as a boot camp for information security certifications for the cybersecurity professional.
Prerequisite: ISYS-280
ISYS 496 - Independent Study Credits: One (1) to Four (4) |
ISYS 497 - Special Studies Credits: One (1) to Three (3) |
ISYS 499 - Internship Credits: One (1) to Four (4) |
ISYS 600 - Controls for Effective Cyber Defense Credits: Three (3) This course will cover the Controls for Effective Cyber Defense which are a recommended set of actions that will provide specific and actionable ways to deter potential attacks. Discussion will focus on how organizations can use these controls to define the starting point for their defenses, direct their resources on actions with immediate payoff, and focus their attention on additional risk issues that are unique to their business or mission.
ISYS 605 - Database Principles Credits: Three (3) This course examines the design, development and management of relational databases and the integration of these databases with applications across the enterprise. Topics include database tools, basic Structured Query Language, design trade-offs, middleware, database server architectures, web-enabled technologies, security issues and emerging database technologies. Cross-listed: BDAT-605, SWDV-655
ISYS 620 - Agile Systems Analysis and Design Credits: Three (3) Previous system analysis and design methodologies are being replaced with iterative approaches such as agile. This approach leads to faster product deployment at a lower cost with less rework due to missed requirements. This course reviews the development of well written requirements, analysis and design in an agile environment, and enhances student critical thinking skills. Cross-listed: SWDV-650
ISYS 631 - Web Page Design Credits: Three (3) This course will be primarily oriented toward E- commerce,
examining ways to set up and manage an intranet, extranet or the
use of the Internet. A variety of tools will be examined for the
creation and publication of Web pages. |
ISYS 650 - Information Technology Management Credits: Three (3) This course presents the concepts needed to effectively manage information technology resources. This course specifically focuses on the role a CIO plays, the planning, scheduling and risk considerations, along with the strategic role that information technology systems play in an organization.
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