Mar 06, 2025
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]
ACSC 506 - Statistical Modeling II Credits: Three (3) Prerequisite: ACSC/MATH-505 ACSC 506 and ACSC 607 cover the material on Examination C (Construction of Actuarial Models) of the Society of Actuaries. Topics include constructing empirical models; estimating the parameters of failure time and loss distribution using different methods such as maximum likelihood method of moments, Kaplan-Meier estimator, Nelson- Aalen estimator and kernel density estimators; determining the acceptability of a fitted model; comparing models using graphical procedures, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Chi-square goodness of fit test, likelihood ratio test, Schwarz Bayesian criterion, and Akaike Information criterion. A presentation of one project is required for the course. Note: This course is for graduate students only Cross-listed: MATH-506