Feb 17, 2025
2013-2014 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]
ACSC 506 - STATISTICAL MODELING II Credits: Three Prerequisite: ACSC 505 This course covers the materials on the professional actuarial exam
C (it was exam 4). Topic includes Construction of Empirical Models,
Estimate failure time and loss distributions using Kaplan-Meier
estimator, including approximations for large data sets,
Nelson-Aalen estimator. Kernel density estimators, Estimate the
variance of estimators and confidence intervals for failure time
and loss distributions, Estimate failure time and loss
distributions with the Cox proportional hazards model and other
basic models with covariates. The course will also cover the
topics, Unbiasedness, Consistency, Mean squared error, Estimate the
parameters of failure time and loss distributions using, Maximum
likelihood, Method of moments, Percentile matching, Bayesian
procedures, Estimate the parameters of failure time and loss
distributions with censored and/or truncated data. A presentation
of one project is required for the course. Note: This course covers a part of Actuarial Exam C.