2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

This is Maryville

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Maryville University is an outstanding national university offering a comprehensive and innovative education focused on student learning, outcomes and success.  This education is built upon an innovative liberal arts foundation leading to compelling programs in the Arts and Sciences, Health Professions, Education and Business that prepare students for a life of engagement and achievement in multiple fields of endeavor.

Consistent with this mission, Maryville University is committed to achieving the following goals:

1. Provide a learning environment both physical and virtual where students learn through doing

2. Provide an innovative liberal arts foundation for all of our students.

3. Provide compelling programs in the Arts and Sciences, Health Professions, Education and Business that lead to successful student outcomes.

4. Reflect the cultural diversity of the global community and build inclusiveness and global awareness through intentional programming.

5. Make the values of innovative leadership, civic engagement, and sustainability prominent aspects of the student experience.

6. Maintain a vibrant campus community through outstanding athletics, cultural events, and intellectual exploration.

7. Maintain a collegial environment embracing the values of academic freedom, fiscal responsibility, and participatory university governance.

8. Provide our students in the St. Louis region with living-learning experiences that serve the needs of a diverse community.

9. Provide comprehensive and accessible academic programs for non-traditional adults that help them adapt to a changing workforce and meet their career goals.

10.  Provide a community where civil discourse and mutual respect are values and actions shared by all.


Maryville will be the innovative leader in higher education promoting a revolution in student learning that expands access and opportunities for all.





Maryville University was founded in 1872 by the Religious of the Sacred Heart, an order established in France by women dedicated to excellence in education. One of the oldest private institutions in St. Louis, Maryville was originally an academy for young women and was located in South St. Louis. The academy evolved into a junior college and became a four-year college in 1923. It became Maryville University of Saint Louis in June 1991. The institution’s visionary grasp of the growth potential of West St. Louis County sparked its purchase in the late 1950s of 290 acres adjacent to U.S. 40 and Woods Mill Road.

The dedication of the new campus on this site in 1961 marked the beginning of Maryville’s mission as a community-focused institution grounded in the liberal arts. In the four decades since, Maryville has become an independent, coeducational University responding to the educational needs of the community in both liberal arts and professional programs for traditional-age students and adults.


Marie Odeide Mouton, RSCJ (1937–1956)
Marie Louise Martinez, RSCJ (1956–1957)
Marjory Erskine, RSCJ (1957–1960)
Mary Blish, RSCJ (1960–1964)
Mary Gray McNally, RSCJ (1964–1970)
Harriet K. Switzer, RSCJ (1970–1976)
Claudius Pritchard (1977–1992)
Keith Lovin (1992–2005)
John E. Neal (2005–2006)
Mark Lombardi (2007-Present)

Presidents Emeriti

Mary Gray McNally, RSCJ
Claudius Pritchard, Ph.D.
Keith Lovin, Ph.D.


The University is governed by a Board of Trustees which selects the President, who is responsible for the implementation of general policies as set by the Board. The President, who is responsible for the proper conduct of the University in every detail, also serves as an ex officio member of the Board. The University is organized into academic schools.




During the fall 2014, approximately 6,000 students were enrolled on the main campus as well as at two suburban area Weekend and Evening College centers and online programs. The University also maintains education and training programs at businesses, hospitals and schools in the area.


Students can be enrolled in the day program, the Weekend & Evening College or the graduate program. Maryville’s campus residents live in university apartments or residence halls.

The average ACT score of full-time freshmen entering the University for Fall 2013 was 25, an indication of the emphasis on academic excellence at Maryville at the undergraduate level.


Maryville’s full-time educators are dedicated to teaching and bringing their research accomplishments and experience into the classroom. The majority hold doctorates or terminal degrees. Part-time faculty members offer students a wide range of academic and professional expertise within the University.

The complementary relationship between full- and part-time faculty is a significant dimension of the academic life at Maryville. A low student-faculty ratio enhances the caring climate at Maryville.


Maryville is unique in its commitment to integrate liberal learning with professional learning by providing innovative and interactive programs with, and for, the business, education, health care, cultural and arts communities it serves.

Program Options

Maryville University carries out its mission by offering the following academic programs in formats that are designed to meet student needs and interests.

Day Undergraduate

The day program is for full- and part-time students who prefer a more traditional learning approach. In addition to regular class sessions, emphasis is placed on internships, practical, clinical and field experiences that integrate liberal arts and professional learning. All of Maryville’s undergraduate academic programs are offered in the day format.

Day students may choose to live on–campus, commute from home or arrange their own off-campus housing. An extensive array of campus organizations and leadership opportunities are available for day program students.

The Weekend & Evening College for Adult Undergraduates

The Weekend & Evening College is for students whose work and family responsibilities require a non-traditional approach to learning. Students who desire to complete a baccalaureate degree by attending weekly classes on alternate weekends, alternate evenings, and/or consecutive evenings will be introduced to formats characterized by program quality and designed expressly to accommodate part-time students through convenient locations and outstanding services.  The academic year consists of three semesters, each with multiple sessions.

Continuing Education and Distance Learning

Maryville University also offers a comprehensive Continuing Education and Distance Learning program (CEDL). CEDL provides learning opportunities for professional and personal development. The classes, courses and programs are conducted at convenient times during the day, evenings and weekends. A large selection of classes may be taken online. The Continuing Education and Distance Learning program conducts and hosts seminars and conferences. Both for-credit and not-for-credit courses are offered. Many courses qualify for continuing education units which are recognized by professional organizations and associations in meeting criteria for professional development.

If necessary to meet graduation requirements, Maryville students may include up to a total of four credits from online continuing education courses to meet degree program requirements. (Course fees will apply.)

Graduate College of Arts and Sciences

The College of Arts and Sciences offers two graduate programs:  Master of Science in Actuarial Science and Master of Arts in Strategic Communication and Leadership. 

The Master of Science in Actuarial Science program is designed to prepare students for careers as business executives professionally trained in the mathematical sciences and financial risk evaluation. The advanced coursework and professional internship opportunities prepare students to pass the exams required to obtain the professional designation of Fellow by the Society of Actuaries (F.S.A.).
The Maryville master’s program is designed to accommodate professionals in the field as well as students who have completed or are completing their undergraduate degree in actuarial science, mathematics or related fields.
The required courses in the master’s program are offered across four semesters, with three courses taken each semester. Other time is spent in preparation for Society of Actuaries exams and internship training. The program allows for possible completion in three semesters. In addition, a key feature of the program is that Maryville actuarial science undergraduates are able to complete both the undergraduate and graduate programs within five years.

The Master of Arts in Strategic Communication and Leadership provides an innovative blend of communication and leadership theory and practice for individuals interested in careers and career advancement in a wide variety of profit and not-for-profit organizations.  The program’s emphasis on both leadership and communication skills prepares students to become ethical, socially responsible, and effective leaders and communicators.  With flexible scheduling that combines on-line and face-to-face instruction in the evenings and on weekends, the program is designed to meet the needs of both the working professional and the recent college graduate.

Graduate School of Business

The John E. Simon School of Business offers a Master’s of Business Administration, a professional degree with emphasis on management theory and techniques. The program blends academic study with professional experience in a curriculum that allows the student to apply classroom concepts to current employment activities. The student’s professional position serves as a laboratory where management theory is used to solve concrete problems in the student’s business environment.

Designed to accommodate the working professional, classes are offered in eight-week sessions, in the evening.  Students may choose a concentration in Accounting, Process and Project Management, Management, Marketing or a general MBA.

Graduate School of Education

The School of Education offers the Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.), 42 credit hour cohort-based programs that incorporate the capstone research project into the 2 1/2 year sequence of courses. The concentration in Educational Leadership is designed for students who possess the principal certification and wish to pursue their studies in advanced leadership. Completion of the program also allows the students to sit for the examination for superintendent licensure in the state of Missouri. The concentration in Higher Education Leadership is for professionals who want to build their skills in college and university leadership. The concentration in Teacher Leadership is for teachers in school settings interested in new roles in teacher leadership and organizational change.

The School of Education offers the Master of Arts in Education, a program consisting of 30-36 credit hours and culminating with a capstone project/experience. Graduate education at Maryville is designed to link theory and practical classroom experience in order to further the development of thoughtful and reflective practitioners who use their reflections to better the education of children. The School of Education offers Master of Arts in Education programs to students seeking a degree with initial certification; practicing teachers seeking to enhance their skills; and teachers seeking to become principals or educational leaders in other capacities.

Students seeking a first professional degree and secondary certification (mathematics, science, social studies, English) can obtain both through the Master of Arts in Education/Secondary Teaching and Inquiry.

One other variants of the Maryville Master of Arts in Education is a 3/2 program which permits students to obtain a baccalaureate degree with an academic major, certification and a master’s degree. The 3/2 programs are offered in collaboration with various academic departments on campus.

Graduate College of Health Professions

The College of Health Professions offers the Master of Music Therapy, the Master of Science in Nursing, the Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Counseling, and Doctor of Nurse Practice, for practicing health professionals. Each program prepares caring professional leaders. Courses meet once a week in the late afternoons or evenings, accommodating the schedules of those who hold full-time jobs.

The Master of Music Therapy degree program is designed to provide the professional music therapist with advanced clinical training supported by studies in research, theory and ethics.

The Master of Science in Nursing offers four concentrations: Adult/Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, and Adult/Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

The Doctor of Nursing Program has two options: a post-master’s DNP for certified advanced practice nurses and a BSN-DNP preparing students in the four concentrations listed above.

The Masters of Rehabilitation Counseling program provides the educational preparation for national certification as a rehabilitation counselor and Missouri licensing as a licensed professional counselor.

The Master of Occupational Therapy and the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree programs are entry-level professional programs that prepare graduates for appropriate licensing and subsequent practice in a variety of health care environments.

The Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy programs are designed for full-time enrollment. However, part-time enrollment may be approved for portions of the program. Both programs include extensive supervised experiences in fieldwork and clinical affiliations.

Students admitted to the Bachelor of Health Science program as freshmen will be guaranteed admission to the graduate level of the Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) program, upon faculty review, if: 1) the student maintains full-time enrollment with the required grade point average and 2) completes specified courses with required grades. The D.P.T. program is a six-and-one-half-year, freshman-entry program.
